If you want to see your dreams come true you have to stay consistent! Even if you don't think people are watching, stay consistent. The impact you have on those that do watch is worth every long day and night. I first thought about the idea for Family Dreams Fitness in 2011. At the time I was contemplating calling it Family Dreams Athletics because my focus was coaching and training athletes, more specifically basketball players. In my freshman year at UCF I interned with the strength and conditioning coaches for the basketball team. At the same time, my cousin at home in Miami was playing high school basketball. I used what I learned at UCF to help train him. This was the start of everything. During my junior year of college is when I officially locked in on the name Family Dreams Fitness. I had the vision for a health and wellness business heading into college but it took a few years for the idea to manifest into something concrete. I had a list of potential names written on my mirror in my apartment. The mirror was attached to my closet which was perfect because I was constantly reminded of my dreams. Writing helps you conceptualize your thoughts. Everyone has passions and dreams, but the ones who achieve them are those that were able to harness their skillset in writing. You have to map out your vision in order to see it all the way through. In 2015 I knew that content was going to be the new currency. I knew that streaming was the future. So I decided to create a series dedicated to my life. The biggest marketing tool you have in life is to market yourself. I wanted to capture my life and growth so that when I'm long gone my purpose and story will continue to live. I decided to title my series When Dreams Become A Reality because it was documenting all of my ideas come to fruition. I taught myself as I went and that shows throughout the series. I was completely honest and vulnerable recording this series. I wrote, recorded and edited When Dreams Become A Reality, it was a solo project. These videos were like my books. I was telling my story and perspective of my life. It wasn't initially intended for the masses right away. It was first done for myself. It was a way for me to stay disciplined. I got to see myself and critique accordingly. I saw my weaknesses and improved every day. The level and pace that I was going at wasn't seen before in my family. So most of the videos I put out got ignored. I flooded the market. Very few people saw what was going on and even less people saw what was to come. You have to stay consistent! I put out over 140 episodes of When Dreams Become A Reality. Most times I would get less than 25 views. This didn't matter to me because the impact that I was making was bigger than a number. This was not meant for numbers. This was directly intended for impact. Often times if you are being your most authentic self, others won't be able to fully understand you or your vision. We are all unique creations of the universe. When you hone in to your individuality you can create freely. When you create freely things fall into place. Now years later I can continue to utilize the lessons from my younger self to keep me motivated. I can still capitalize off of the leap of faith I took years ago by believing in myself. When you never stop pushing forward the dots will start to connect.
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